Dutch translation of Nondescript Rambunctious, ‘Thirst’.
The Dutch translation of Nondescript Rambunctious was published in April 2014 by Uitgeverij Cargo. It has been renamed Dorst (Thirst). ‘He sees and hears everything’.
“A masterly dark, sinister, literary thriller.” – Nouveau Magazine
“Jackie Bateman has delivered a first-class thriller with Thirst, at least for those who love beautiful language and ‘stretched’ voltage…Thirst is a human tragedy, with a loathsome hobby as its core. Beautifully written – oh so frightening.” – Crimezone
“A chilling story with an open ending that, paradoxically, satisfies completely.” – VN Thriller & Detective Guide
“In the skin of characters, this author is at her best… Thirst is primarily an endearing story about the vulnerability of young people. Between the lines, Jackie Bateman examines the other culprits: adult family, neighbours, or people in uniform – all of whom leave victims in the cold. For them, it’s just business – but for Lizzy and Simon, the ground beneath their feet disappears. Maybe Oliver is right when he talks about the greatest evil in the world…” – De Scriptor
‘Thirst is a special novel, with a dark side… all in all a great book to read in the dark evening hours. Then look out for part 2.’ – Vrouwen Thrillers
‘A striking thriller that exposes the human side of cruelty and drags the reader down into an unexpected voyeuristic world.’ – Boek Lezers
“A remarkable book!” – Ons Eiland Reviews